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Branson (417) 337-7855    Harrison (870) 302-3043

Young man frustrated with digital marketing

Advertising can be frustrating and aggravating.

We Understand!

Smart & Simple can help you crystallize a plan and help you grow your revenue!

Marketing and Advertising can be messy, costly, and frustrating. It is also the lifeblood of your business. 

We walk alongside you, and work with you to develop a proven, repeatable process of creating more first-time customers.

A proven, repeatable process is a method or series of steps that has been demonstrated to consistently produce the desired results when followed correctly. Here are its key characteristics:

Proven: The process has been tested and validated, showing reliable and effective outcomes through practical application or experimentation.
Repeatable: It can be replicated in the same manner by different people or at different times, producing the same results.

Documented: The steps, conditions, and necessary resources are clearly documented, ensuring that anyone following the process can achieve similar outcomes.

Reliable: It consistently works under the same conditions, reducing variability and ensuring predictable results.

Such a process is valuable because it ensures efficiency, quality control, and scalability.

Get Clarity from Smart and Simple
Get Clarity

• What is your goal?
• Who are your customers?
• What is your message?
• What makes you different?

Fill Your Toolbox
Fill The Toolbox

• Logo / Branding
• Message
• Website
• Lead Magnet
• Effective Ads
• Cohesive Campaigns
• Sales Funnel

Implement your plan from Smart and Simple

• Talk to professionals
• Develop an effective lead magnet
• Have a process plan

Is your advertising is feeding your funnel? If not, you're throwing your money down the wrong funnel!!

A marketing funnel, or sales funnel, is a model that represents the journey potential customers take from first becoming aware of a product or service to making a purchase. Here’s a breakdown of its stages:

Awareness: This is the top of the funnel. Potential customers become aware of your product or service through advertising, social media, word of mouth, etc. The goal is to capture their attention and make them aware of your brand.

Interest: In this stage, potential customers express interest in what you offer. They might follow your social media accounts, sign up for newsletters, or visit your website or store to learn more about your products or services.

Consideration: Potential customers evaluate your product or service, comparing it to alternatives. They might read reviews, look for testimonials, or engage with your sales team to ask questions. Your goal here is to provide valuable information that helps them see the benefits and advantages of your offering.

Intent: At this point, potential customers are leaning towards making a purchase. They might add items to their cart, download a demo, or request a quote. This stage is about encouraging them to take the final steps toward a purchase.

Evaluation: Before making a final decision, customers might seek confirmation that they’re making the right choice. This could involve last-minute comparisons, seeking opinions from friends or family, or looking for any final information.

Purchase: The bottom of the funnel, where the potential customer completes the purchase and becomes an actual customer.

Post-Purchase: This stage involves maintaining the relationship with the customer through follow-ups, customer service, and nurturing to encourage repeat purchases and build loyalty.

The marketing funnel helps businesses understand and map out the customer journey, identify where they might lose potential customers, and develop strategies to move them through each stage effectively. By optimizing each stage, businesses have the best chance of increasing revenue, and improving overall marketing efficacy.


Choose the Smart & Simple Communication team of professionals to support and protect your sales funnel from revenue-killing roadblocks, such as unclear messaging, poor execution, and bad marketing habits.

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